Dr. Johannes Warneck (geb. 04.03.1867 Dommitzsal gest. 01.09.1944 Bad Salzuflen) war bis 1920 Doktorand an der Theologischen Hochschule in Bethel und zwischen 1931 und 1937 Direktor der Rheinischen Mission.

Inschrift des Grabsteins:
Hier ruhen die Gebeine der beiden amerikanischen Missionare Munson und Lymann erschlagen und aufgegessen im Jahre 1834.
Es handelt sich um die Missionare Samuel Munson und Henry Lymann.

(Picture of cigar boxes with slides)
These two cigar boxes contain rare photo documents of the Missionary Sumatra.
(Picture of commemorating the dead)
The handwritten records for the above recording stated: "The skulls of ancestors are dug up and anointed with oil. This ceremony is a great celebration. A huge number of buffalos and pigs are slaughtered. These animals will benefit the deceased as a sacrificial offering. Then the sculls are buried again. "
87 years old color slides
A Bonner retiree found the spectacular image collection of a former Wuppertal Missionary Director in the attic.
Hehas inherited the house from his grandfather years ago. But only now, after his retirement, he could give more attention to the "treasure-troves", which has long been slumbering in the attic. Among them there are two boxes, whose contents the United Evangelical Mission in the Rudolfstraße should be interested in, because with it you certainly could make an interesting slide show evening. "The boxes are full of black-and-white, but also with color slides from Sumatra," says the retired civil servant from Bad Godesberg. Amazingly, not only the motives, but also their age - they date from 1922 - as an indication of an institute for photo projection shows.
Stroke dead and eaten up
Shown on the one hand are scenes, dealing with the beginning of the Christian Mission on Sumatra. There is a house for nurses, a girls' school, a construction of a new church and a village for lepers. On the other hand, the photographer also has documented pagan customs of the islanders. Photo studies of festival s of sacrifice, house idols and Batak wizards give a strong impression of pre-Christian everyday life. This was not proven safe for missionaries, as the photo of the erection of a tombstone for two American shows, who had been stroke dead and eaten up in 1834. *
What way his grandfather had gotten these slides, which had been waiting almost 100 years for an appropriate appreciation? "Well, his sister was married to Dr. Theol. Johannes Warneck. In 1892 he had been going as a 25 years old missionary to the Sumatran Batak and later from 1931 to 1937 he was Director of the Rhenish Missionary Society."
With some certainty this is the background to his already second spectacular find he did in the attic. Five years ago he found a letter and photo collection of documents from the First World War, which he gave on loan to the municipal archive in Monchengladbach. A similar construction he could also imagine with the slide-collection, which surely could usefully complement the archives of the United Evangelical Mission. Hendrik Walder
With some certainty this is the background to his already second spectacular find he did in the attic. Five years ago he found a letter and photo collection of documents from the First World War, which he gave on loan to the municipal archive in Monchengladbach. A similar construction he could also imagine with the slide-collection, which surely could usefully complement the archives of the United Evangelical Mission. Hendrik Walder
*(Inscription on the tombstone: Here lie the mortal remains (bones) of the two American missionaries Munson and Lymann stroke dead and eaten up in 1834. (They are Samuel Munson and Henry Lymann.)